Ethics of scientific publications

The editorial board of the scientific journal adheres to the adopted by the international community principles of publication ethics reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and takes into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers.

Principles of Professional Ethics for Editors and Publishers

In in whatever a publisher does, he / she is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works. This entails the need to follow the fundamental principles and procedures, as indicated below:

Ethical Principles to Be Followed by Scientific Publication Author

When submitting materials to a scientific journal, the authors (or a group of authors), realize that they are initially responsible for the novelty and reliability of their research results, which implies the compliance with the following principles:

Principles of Professional Ethics for Reviewer

A reviewer expertizes the copyright materials, so his / her actions should be impartial and committed to the following principles:

Disclosure Policy and Conflict of Interest

To avoid cases of scientific publication misconduct, a conflict of interests of all parties involved in manuscript publishing should be excluded. A conflict of interest arises when an author, a reviewer, or an editorial board member intersect on the strength of their financial, scientific, or personal relationships that could affect their actions. Such relationships are called dual commitments, adverse interests, or competing loyalties.
Editors and reviewers should declare potential conflicts of interest that could influence the editorial board's decision.
If there is a conflict of interest, the author may ask the editor-in-chief to have any particular reviewer suspended from reviewing the article sent be the author.
If there is a conflict of interest between the editor or reviewer and the author of article, the article should be transferred to another editor or reviewer, respectively.


When reviewing an article, the editorial board of the journal Vestnik of Tver State Technical University. Series «Construction. Electrical and chemical engineering» checks the material using the Antiplagiat system. In case of revealing numerous borrowings, the editors act in accordance with the rules of COPE.