About the article
S.A. Smirnova, I.A. Lyubkevich, A.I. Zorin, E.A. Mironov, V.P. Molchanov
The paper presents the results of the development of a new biotechnological methodology for testing the activity of an in vitro solution of the enzyme lysozyme, belonging to the class of hydrolases, and various substances produced on its basis. The methodology for determining the activity of lysozyme is based on its lytic effect on the Micrococcus Luteus test culture. The proposed technique can be used in pharmaceutical, biotechnological and food enterprises for laboratory quality control of finished preparations with antimicrobial activity, as well as in research practice.
lysozyme, biotesting, in vitro, lytic action, Micrococcus Luteus, test culture, enzymatic activity, antimicrobial activity, quality control.