About the article
Yu.S. Filimonova, E.V. Tkach, T.V. Susanina
Within the framework of research the questions related to modification of heavy concrete composition on the basis of polydisperse binder with complex modifier and its influence on the formation of structure and properties of cement stone, as well as hardened concrete are considered. The possibility of obtaining effective heavy concrete for hydromeliorative construction with improved performance properties in terms of strength and hydrophysical characteristics has been substantiated. The influence of three-level disperse composition of clinker component of cement particles on the reduction of inter-particle emptiness and increase of cement stone strength has been investigated. It is noted that the obtained performance indicators make it possible to recommend the modified concrete for the production of building products and structures operating under severe operating conditions, in particular for irrigation system flumes. It is indicated that the prospects for further development of scientific research lie in improving the composition of modified heavy concrete on the basis of polydisperse binder with complex modifier by searching for new types of modifiers and micro reinforcing fillers to reduce the cost of production and study the possibilities of its application in hydraulic structures of the zone of variable water level.
modified concrete, dispersed composition of the clinker component, complex modifier, durability.